Now on its third year, the High-Performance Computing (HPC) School program for Southeast Asian researchers kicked off today, this time in Bogor, Indonesia.
Following the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) HPC School’s successful first two editions in previous years, the week-long program is set to continue to inspire researchers in the region.
The ASEAN HPC School marks a new era with an ASEAN Member State organizing and managing the school this year through the Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).
The ASEAN HPC School is aimed to contribute to deepening digital connectivity, encouraging innovation, optimizing resources and cost-sharing to overcome high entry barriers to HPC.
At the same time, the ASEAN HPC School 2023 creates opportunities for growing talents in ASEAN as they meet leading international HPC experts, including the 2013 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Turing Laureate Dr. Leslie Lamport.
More than 80 carefully selected participants address HPC applications in Life Sciences, Urgent Computing, Climate Science, and Computer Science from 11 to 16 December 2023.
The growing dependence on technology for addressing global challenges emphasizes the significance of enhancing HPC skills and knowledge within the ASEAN region. The joint efforts of the European Union (EU), Japan, and ASEAN resulted in the first EU-ASEAN HPC School, held virtually in 2021; and the second EU-ASEAN HPC School held at the Kasetsart University in Bangkok, Thailand in 2022.
European Union Ambassador to ASEAN Sujiro Seam explained, “The HPC schools expose exceptional Southeast Asian researchers, primarily at the postgraduate level, to a hands-on curriculum taught by international luminaries in HPC technology from Japan, Europe, Southeast Asia and beyond.”
He added, “The EU recognizes the growing importance of HPC, and is making significant investments in HPC infrastructure through the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking – EuroHPC JU.”
The EU has supported the 2021, 2022, and 2023 HPC schools through the Enhanced Regional EU-ASEAN Dialogue Instrument (E-READI).