February 21, 2025

About Us

As movements and trends in local and international affairs become more highly dynamic, I feel compelled to watch and take part in featuring the activities and goings-on in various foreign embassies in the country.

This blog, which I call “Embassy TOPPs   (Trade, Occasions, People, Places)”, will feature the different strides embassy officials and staff have taken, are taking or will take to deliver and achieve their vision and purpose in their respective spheres of influence.

As the embassies’ diverse efforts showcase their respective countries’ products, services and even culture, I will endeavor to present them as though they were but family fun activities of next-door neighbors willing to reach out and build better communities on Philippine soil.

I will be adopting a light and not-so-formal approach in writing about these events. Nonetheless, I will see to it that due respect and universally-acceptable language will be employed.